Category Archives: Discussion questions #6

Discussion questions #6

Episode 3

  1. According to Krukowski, what are the main differences between a microphone and a cellphone and why is this difference important?

The main difference between a microphone and a mobile phone is that the main content of the microphone is to spread the host’s voice in a specific area, including the sound of the wind. However, the main purpose of the mobile phone is to talk to two people far away from each other. In order to make the voice clear and accurate, it weakens our emotions. It does not better mobilize people’s emotional changes like the microphone.

2. What do Krukowski and Gary Tomlinson, the professor he interviews, assert about the “musical” qualities of the voice and how are these changed by digital transmission?


Human language through the mobile phone digital transmission, we can also communicate in a long-distance, but the digital transmission only transmits information and sound and does not express our emotions perfectly. Finally, because of the network, the language does not convey completely or disconnected.


3.  What is the significance of Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection?

Digital transmission technology has helped many people transfer information more conveniently and easily, making the interpersonal relationship in the community better, but the quality of the connection has declined.

Episode 4

  1. Krukowski begins by discussing the issue of music file sharing. What is your opinion on this issue? Should music be freely available or should one have to pay?

I think music should be Shared, music should be available to anyone who wants to listen to it, and it shouldn’t have any price tag. Music with a price tag gets in the way of people who want to listen to it and slowly lose interest in it.

2.  How does this episode represent the relationships between music, community, and culture?

With the development of society and the dedication of musicians to music, I think music, community, and culture are all related. different areas have their different music and community-style and culture.

DB#6      Episodes 3 & 4

Episode 3

1 .According to Krukowski, what are the main differences between a microphone and a cellphone and why is this difference important?

– The difference between the microphone and cellphone are microphone can only be spoke into with a receiver, and cellphone can be use to connect with an individual to communicate.

2. What do Krukowski and Gary Tomlinson, the professor he interviews, assert about the “musical” qualities of the voice and how are these changed by digital transmission?

    Voice has been changed by digital transmission is what we can replay and hear it again, Knowing auto tune can be use as a digital voice to customize how you want to sound.

3. What is the significance of Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection?

-Kurkowski comments on the voice idea has build Digital voice and knowing how to share voice over these digital.

Episode 4

  1. Krukowski begins by discussing the issue of music file sharing. What is your opinion of this issue? Should music be freely available or should one have to pay? 

-Music should be free because it a way to people enjoy your songs but you still can make monkey from live concert and doing other shows. I think music should be available all around for free to people to listen. I think in this day and age people will most like listen music on youtube for free then paying for a CD.

2.How does this episode represent the relationships between music, community, and culture?

– The relationships between the music community and culture can be really all together it depends on what type of music your listening to and the genre to it. Different culture has it owns music and it own community who listen to their own music.

Discussion Post #6

Episode 3

  1. The main differences between a microphone and a cell phone are that a microphone gives the artist more control over the voice they are trying to convey. They can change annunciation as well as proximity to control how the microphone picks up their voice and therefore gives them total control when it comes to recording music. A phone distorts the voice too much, this causes there to be less control when it comes to speaking which is crucial for an artist. A phone is also untrustworthy because they pick up too many sounds within their surroundings. A cell phone does not pick up the same quality of sound as a microphone does since the voice becomes digitized and generic. The differences are important because they convey different emotions as well as give less control to the user. 
  2. Krutowski and Tomlinson say that the “musical” qualities of the voice are actually the aspects of our voices that we would consider nonmusical. The pauses and emotions are important when wanting to convey an emotion to someone else on the other end. Technological advancements have also changed the musical aspects that we convey when we talk or communicate.
  3. Krukowski comments how the change from analog to digital transmission of the voice has affected the way we are heard, be it from another person or the way we convey our voices to the community. With the evolution of technology we have been able to convey our messages faster and farther but the emotion behind the message has been lost. Connecting with others has become a harder task because of the loss of emotion.

Episode 4

  1. What Krukowski says about music file sharing is that it has benefited those who commit the act but has caused a negative effect on the musicians who truly dedicate themselves to their form of art. I believe that in a world where people have to pay for almost everything, they look to save money or take shortcuts to save money in a non-essential area. Therefore I do not agree with the idea of file sharing if it negatively impacts smaller or lesser known artists who depend on that income more but I do not think it is such a big issue when it comes to artists that are world renowned and have earned a fortune from past users. I believe that music should not be free but some artist should try to be more generous with their audience and allow their music to be heard by more if they just cut back on the cost it takes to listen to their music. 
  2. The episode does a great job when it comes to representing the relationships between music, community, and culture because with such advancements to technology and the importance of technology around the world, music is able to reach past all boundaries. Another way they are all connected is seen when popular artists with large fan bases create music with specific sounds representing their cultural and ethnic roots. This allows the sounds of their culture to reach others and be heard by many who never had such exposure to it previously. 

ways of hearing /episode 5: Power


Episode 5

D1 : By saying , “the marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is whatever the powerful have decided  is of no use at the moment .”Mr Krukowski want to share with people the significance of the critic . And also suggest by there that music wasn’t appreciated through CDs anymore because everything is moved fast now and it is easier for people to download music instead of going to store and purchasing CDs.Tapes and CDs are less appreciated .

D2  Music Listening experiences enabled by Forces Exposure taking time to get everything heard . If you have to listening or make a searching of a song , you must scroll thousands of of them before you got it while those that Paul lamer is working on with platform like Spotify is easier to access and decrease the time that you spend searching .

D3 : Being surprised by music is like hearing songs that we haven’t  heard before but is not that we heard it and discovering it is not ever new because we listening g to song that had ever exist .According to the author , both are not the same  and he mentions that surprise is not a helping thing . He went further asking question like :  “did google want to surprise us when we’re searching for something? Did facebook want to surprise us when we look for a friend ? ”

Episode 6

D1: Noise is everything else that doesn’t  interest us and signal is whatever is interested to us .volume alone cannot let us detect signal from noise.Everything around us is signal as long as it is not important to us but when we are in  a crowded  noise and somebody tells us things that we are interested to , so it become signal . It is really significant because these differences are important in terms of how our brain focuses on what we actually want to hear and less probably to disturbed by the surroundings noises .

D2 : In every noise there is a signal and base on the noise we can deduce signal but both are really related because when we turn the volume down we cannot hear the signal .

D3 : It Is related to all others episodes because it clearly  gives some details and present good   definition  and explanation of “ways of hearing in general .

blog #5

Badshah – Genda Phool | Jacqueline Fernandez | Payal Dev | Hit Anthem of the Year 2021

The hit duo Badshah & Jacqueline Fernandez in this steamy track has broken all records and continues to feature in all the top charts across platforms making it the “Anthem of the Year”. Genda Phool has a distinct folk melody fused with uber urban sounds which marked a new era for Badshah.

Over few months, stuck in home and nothing much to do than listen to music and walk around neighborhood and do english class homework. Through digital the sound have  reached all over the world for example the above video is originated  from India and we here in USA can have access. As an fan of foreign music, digital have brought huge happiness in my life by having   access to all music around the world and able to  listen over and over.

In the music above they have use music and people dancing over it professionally wouldn’t be possible without digital media. Through digital media they were able to edit the song and didn’t required to do all over again. Hearing this music helps me avoid my loud neighbor and also helps avoid noise in street. Music also help me turn up the mood when you feeling tied.

Discussion Questions 6

1. One of the main differences between a cellphone and a microphone is, when you are using a microphone you should do it with a technique. The sound that will reach to the other person/people changes according to how close or far you are to microphone. But when you are speaking to someone on a cellphone, the sound that other people will hear, will be the same no matter how much you are close to the mikes on the cellphone.

2. Gary Tomlison asserts that we had utterances with musical qualities which we used to communicate before the languages. He believes that our ability to communicate with the nonverbal parts of our voices goes so deep that it is coded into the genetic makeup of our species itself and today, the way we use the technology encodes our language, sends it over the Internet and make it perceivable to the other end of the specif distance. 

3. We use our voices to communicate with each other for thousands of years. Digital tools helped us to do this without worrying about the distances or even if we know or not know the person who we communicate with. But while sharing our voices over these digital tools we lost an amount of the emotions in it.

4. In my opinion, one should be able to share the music that they created, freely. If they put enough effort into it and if they have the gift, their music will be appreciated. Otherwise, if people don’t like it, this can break the will of the musician and they might give up trying5

5. Music is the expression of people’s feelings and culture. History of it goes way before the existence of languages. I believe it is magical because we can hear the same emotions in the different cultures’ musics. Music connects us with each other without needing words.

  1. Microphone maximizes the signal of the voice and minimizes the noise that inevitably comes. The noise may be a sound that comes from the mouth that we do not consider in music. Microphone sounds clearer than a phone. It is used for recording. Senorita control proximity effect. Cellphones are worse to listen to. cell phones do not transmit the full range of sound picked up mic. cell phone background noise put away; it can regulate our voice. Digitally process that sound compressing it to remove whatever engineers have decided is unnecessary data.


  1. People have already lost some language skills when we use digital transmission because when people who are separate far away have to use digital transmission, it causes people to lose some feeling. Human voice allows us to send our voice over vast distances, but non-verbal voice quality is lost in digital coding. musical quality of our voice is the nonverbal part of our voice to communicate.
  2.  Music, community, and culture are all interrelated, with each having a continuous effect on the other. Music is inextricably linked with the context in which it is produced, consumed and taught and the inter-relationship between music, society and culture has been researched for many decades. Music like language operating on a different level through symbolic processes using different units of exchange and this work has advanced. music practices around the world and increasing our understanding.


Episode 4

  1. ways of hearing “Money” by Damon Krukowski. In this episode he talks about music being property, he states that music should be freely available for everyone because it is something immaterial and therefore it shouldn’t be a price on it. This point that he makes is very interesting because ideally, it would be amazing having the possibilities of being able to listen to any music without having to pay for it. music should not be freely accessible for everyone as it would have a negative effect in the music industry and there would be less artists dedicated to this. In my paper I will be going over and interpreting Krukowki’s arguments in this episode and consequently stating the advantages and disadvantages of music being freely available for everyone.


  1. Playing musical instruments is particularly important for human social development because music making is fun and uses different skills to the ones that most people usually make music is relaxing and can relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. In fact, there is now a growing body of research which demonstrates that playing musical instruments is really good for you in terms of both improved physical and mental health. Music does not suffer the frustrations of catering to the diverse group of people that we are likely to see in a modern community because music is non-verbal and does not differentiate or discriminate between age, culture or ability.

6 . Music is like sound which goes inside our ear naturally and we can stop it. In the same way, music is something that we can’t stop but why is it stopped by the tag of money. music should be available free to anyone who is hearing and how free music can make people popular. Music should be something that free of cost because music is for entertainment, and we can’t make this entertainment just for people who can pay for it because poor people need to enjoy as well. That would make more people listen to music which makes artists more famous with more fans. Now companies are becoming rapacious and turning music to a business that they could benefit, so we can’t just put the blame on artists. Some artists do sing as an avocation without caring about money, and street singers.




Discussion #6

Episode 3 

  1. The main differences between a cellphone and microphone according to Krukowski is that through cellphones people connect with each other, they can recognize each other’s voice, and “everyone sounds just as near, or just as far, as everyone else.” On the other hand, are the microphones, which transmit loud the voice sound to other people, or in the certain space.
  2. Gary Tomlinson believes that our ability to communicate with nonverbal parts of our voices goes so deep, it goes hundreds of thousands of years ago, before we had language,  we had utterances with musical qualities, what we needed to survive as species, like tool making and social organizations, we are musical beings. 
  3. Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection is that when we share our voices weather through songs or speech, are we saying more than our words, we connect with people around us, and those who are far away we connect with them through cellphones. 

Episode 4 

  1. As a user I am happy to have a big choice and to have access to a variety free music, I agree with the affirmation that music should be available to anyone who wants to hear it. However, playing and singing it is not just a musician’s passion, it is his job as well, he wants to charge a certain amount for his work, to be able to make his living and produce new music. 
  2. Music is bringing people together. Musician are the artists who self-express through beautiful sounds and are sharing their art with listeners, they are interacting with each other. 

Discussion question #6

Episode 3

  1. According to Krukowski, what are the main differences between a microphone and a cellphone and why is this difference important?

– The microphones used by cell phones are sensitive while technologically superior to those they replaced, deliberately filter out background noise, and often vocal tone. This makes conversation via cell phone more difficult to interpret than on the analog land lines .There is no proximate effect in cell phone. Whereas in microphone has those proximate effect .Microphone can give the feeling of closeness to the listener just by leaning into the microphone,
 even moving an inch or two can create a very noticeable change in volume.

Q2.What do Krukowski and Gary Tomlinson, the professor he interviews, assert about the “musical” qualities of the voice and how are these changed by digital transmission?

– Professor Gary believes that human are musical being. He asserts that even before human had language  we had musical qualities that communicate what we need to survive as spices, social organization and even love. Now  the digital transmission does encoding our language, send it over the internet to make it perceivable at the other end of the   distance, But the nonverbal quality of our voice tends to be lost in coding.


  1. What is the significance of Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection?

We can listen the voices across the world through digital transmission. Even though it is possible to share our voice at great distances ,sometimes they fail as we are communicating. But there is always a place for improvement.

Episode 4

  1. Krukowski begins by discussing the issue of music file sharing. What is your opinion of this issue? Should music be freely available or should one have to pay?

-Music is a form of art. Artist put everything to create their art.Their hardworking and the hardship they get while creating an art ,is priceless. Valuable things should be paid . In my opinion music should not be free. Sharing a music file is just like a stealing from the artist which will hurt the very performers we love.Music for free also devalues the work of the artist . Basically it is like saying that the great music they produce is worth nothing or of no value at all.

Q5.How does this episode represent the relationships between music, community, and culture?

-Playing or  listening music is particularly important for Human Social Development. Music is a relaxing and can relieve feeling or stress and anxiety. Improved mental health in individual increases capacity for social integration. They feel much more involved in community when the feel Positive, relaxed and confident. Music is nonverbal and does not differentiate the, religion and culture. Music is able to bring diverse group of people together in a community. Music has  its own language of rhythms and melody to enable to communicate each other nonverbally. It promotes familiarity of different community and forms a healthy relationship and sense of belonging for those different cultures.As a result  music can develop more harmonious society.

  1. Does charging money for music impede the formation of communities around this music or does it help support the circulation of music?

Charging  money for the music helps support the circulation of music and help generate new creativity. Music for free is just like insulting the artists we love, and that is not good for the  music industry in future. Paying for what we are  getting is a way to express support  that every creation is valuable and worthy .


Discussion question 6

Episode 3

  1. According to Krukowski, what are the main differences between a microphone and a cellphone and why is this difference important?

According to Krukowski, the main difference between a microphone and a cellphone is that the microphone makes full use of what audio engineers call the “ proximity effect”. Microphone speak closely to them exaggerate the bassier, cheshire tones in our voices. And if you back away from them, they highlight the brassiere, clearer tones . Microphone gives the feeling of close tone to the people. Similarly, cell phones make it possible to share our words across great distance. But they fail us in many ways, as we try to communicate one-to-one. Not only we are often left hanging, speaking into the air at one end and listening to nothing at the other. But even when all is working as it’s supposed to, the sound of our voice across the digital line is limited. It’s stripped to that minimum we need to recognize a voice , and decode its words. Furthermore, cellphone miniature mics in our cell phones are more sensitive and there is no proximity effect. Also, we lose on the cell phone is the part of our voices that communicates without language, the part we use for flirting.

2.What do Krukowski and Gary Tomlinson, the professor he interviews, assert about the “musical” qualities of the voice and how are these changed by digital transmission?

Gary Tomlinson believes that our ability to communicate with the non-verval parts of our voice goes so deep. It’s coded into the genetic makeup of our species itself. He states that technology encodes our language and sounds it over the internet and makes it perceivable at the other end of this great space of distance. The non-verbal qualities of our voices tend to be lost in that coding. In addition, musical qualities communicated what we need to survive as a species: toolmaking, social organization and love. 

  1. What is the significance of Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection?

Krukowski states that digital communication such as cell phones are convenient and reliable to communicate  with each other and can travel to anyone with our voice. but the feeling of emotion is missing in digital communication. Cell phones are engineered to communicate our words. Literally, cell phones create the feeling of one another for a moment no matter where the person lives but it connects the person and keeps in touch with the emotion. The voice has the power to express feelings to each other. The voice connects us very firmly with expressions. Therefore, the cell phone is the part of our voice that communicates without language, the part we are for flirting.

Episode 4

  1. Krukowski begins by discussing the issue of music file sharing. What is your opinion of this issue? Should music be freely available or should one have to pay?

Music file sharing is the sharing of music which should be available to anybody that wants to hear it. Sharing was seen as an existential threat. In my opinion music file sharing is bad because it is  a kind of stealing someone’s talent without concern or paying them enough. Music file sharing is bad for those small, struggling companies, and it’s ultimately bad for the people who love musical theater. On the other hand, music file sharing could affect some musician’s life from earning enough and it will be more convenient and less valuable.. In addition, the  freedom of recorded music has compromised musicians’ ability to  make a living from it. I believe it affects musicians’ work because people can get free music online without paying. Therefore,without more effort musician’s become unknown, popular and circulate more music which will gain a wider audience because it was easily reachable to the people through online.  Krukowski states, when he was on stage for music, the audience knew in advance the song that he was playing which made him cry  on stage. He mentioned, Our music had made it through all those barriers- barriers that made it impossible for record to get there. To sum up, music is an art and some passion. Someone’s ways of  life, so it should be highly appreciated and valued . It is a way of earning for livelihood so we should pay for their effort, hard work and dedication to us.   

  1. How does this episode represent the relationships between music, community, and culture?

Music is an art of delivering information through the words , it is the feeling of a singer to represent community and culture.  Music is a huge part of our lives. Musicians try to deliver  messages to the community  through their music. Music  influences  us and our cultural identity. So, every community preserving their identity of music will represent them. For example, in   Nepal the newar community plays the music which has its roots in classical Hindu and Buddhist music. It involved incorporation of folk music of the Kathmandu valley and its peripheries. Which represent their culture. In fact music carries the singer’s words,feelings, emotions and attachment  to the community and its people.  Music helps to define who we are , creating our communal self-identity. For instance, with the multicultural perspective we see that there are many cultural beliefs and that there are many performance practices and standards. This diversity enriches our lives, broadens our understanding of the world we live in, and deepens our appreciation for the music of our own cultures.   

  1. Does charging money for music impede the formation of communities around this music or does it help support the circulation of music?

Charging money for music supports the circulation of music because composers compose music for living. It is their job to somehow put food on the table at the end of the day. Charging money implied the importance of music towards the audience however good things always have a price on it. Music production is not easy, it takes someone effort, money and time, so charging money can maintain the circulation to keep on balance between music production and audience. In addition, copying and selling music is considered illegal without the permission of the singer because without their concern someone steals their work for their own benefit and they are not paid well. Therefore, charging money for music circulates healthy relationships to both musicians and audience because everyone needs money to survive their lives. Music is an art to form an art  musician’s work day and night. For their  hard work and dedication we should offer them their fruits of labor.