Discussion question #6

Episode 3

  1. According to Krukowski, what are the main differences between a microphone and a cellphone and why is this difference important?

– The microphones used by cell phones are sensitive while technologically superior to those they replaced, deliberately filter out background noise, and often vocal tone. This makes conversation via cell phone more difficult to interpret than on the analog land lines .There is no proximate effect in cell phone. Whereas in microphone has those proximate effect .Microphone can give the feeling of closeness to the listener just by leaning into the microphone,
 even moving an inch or two can create a very noticeable change in volume.

Q2.What do Krukowski and Gary Tomlinson, the professor he interviews, assert about the “musical” qualities of the voice and how are these changed by digital transmission?

– Professor Gary believes that human are musical being. He asserts that even before human had language  we had musical qualities that communicate what we need to survive as spices, social organization and even love. Now  the digital transmission does encoding our language, send it over the internet to make it perceivable at the other end of the   distance, But the nonverbal quality of our voice tends to be lost in coding.


  1. What is the significance of Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection?

We can listen the voices across the world through digital transmission. Even though it is possible to share our voice at great distances ,sometimes they fail as we are communicating. But there is always a place for improvement.

Episode 4

  1. Krukowski begins by discussing the issue of music file sharing. What is your opinion of this issue? Should music be freely available or should one have to pay?

-Music is a form of art. Artist put everything to create their art.Their hardworking and the hardship they get while creating an art ,is priceless. Valuable things should be paid . In my opinion music should not be free. Sharing a music file is just like a stealing from the artist which will hurt the very performers we love.Music for free also devalues the work of the artist . Basically it is like saying that the great music they produce is worth nothing or of no value at all.

Q5.How does this episode represent the relationships between music, community, and culture?

-Playing or  listening music is particularly important for Human Social Development. Music is a relaxing and can relieve feeling or stress and anxiety. Improved mental health in individual increases capacity for social integration. They feel much more involved in community when the feel Positive, relaxed and confident. Music is nonverbal and does not differentiate the, religion and culture. Music is able to bring diverse group of people together in a community. Music has  its own language of rhythms and melody to enable to communicate each other nonverbally. It promotes familiarity of different community and forms a healthy relationship and sense of belonging for those different cultures.As a result  music can develop more harmonious society.

  1. Does charging money for music impede the formation of communities around this music or does it help support the circulation of music?

Charging  money for the music helps support the circulation of music and help generate new creativity. Music for free is just like insulting the artists we love, and that is not good for the  music industry in future. Paying for what we are  getting is a way to express support  that every creation is valuable and worthy .