Category Archives: Blog posts

Sonic Example #2

Not all people in this nation living in this nation living in a loud location, the majority of them want to live in a serene place with trees and fresh air and we all know most of the time we can focus and believe thoroughly in a peaceful place. Sound pollution can be specified as undesirable or offending noise that unreasonably intrude into our everyday activities. We have always faced noise pollution in too many forms such as car honks, drilling, traffic noise, planes, barking dogs and too many things. Noise is an unwanted effect on signals. It is added on to signal due to many natural reasons as it travels through a medium. Moreover, it can randomly fluctuate the value of signals and disturbs the process of revealing the information sent through a signal. So, this distraction can cause declines to one’s sense of wellbeing. Therefore, they would spend much more time trying to get what they are reading or what they are studying. What’s more, sleeping can be affected by noise. It is a common offender interrupting sleep and it causes both primary and secondary sleep disturbance. Primary effects have difficulties in in falling asleep, awakenings and differences of sleep patterns. The secondary effects are interrupted sleep including fatigue and decreased the wellbeing performance. EMILY THOMPSON’S idea that the development of concert halls arose from desires to control interior spaces. As said “Modern problems requires modern solutions”, people started using soundproof rooms for noisy machines in industrial and manufacturing installations. This helped them to concentrate more while studying, reading or trying to sleep.

Blog post #5

Never had I ever imagined a city that never sleeps could go quite like in past few months. When New York shut down in response to pandemic, New York’s busy sidewalks, subway rides, constant construction, cab honking, noise of children in parks, all these soundscapes   are what we New Yorkers achingly missed. I had never realized that it has become a part of our life and I think I don’t like missing that part. I felt like I was living in a countryside. That instant change in soundscape was not joyful at all. “Missing sound of New York “album released by The New York Public Library is helpful in coping with this distress. New York has its own sound that everybody misses even those who are here for the short trip. All thanks to the pandemic, now we have realized those sound only belongs to New York. It could definitely make some people sad about the noise like before, but I think most people are looking forward for resuming completely all those soundscapes.

Blog Post 5

When I was in my back home country I do not need any kind of sound to start my day because my hometown is surrounded with natural beauty from where I can feel natural sounds such as, birds  chirping, cascade , temple ringing bells, and especially the sound of koel cuckoo  and my mom chant which has becomes the part of my life and I was fascinated with those natural  sounds. The sounds make me calm and satisfied. I fall in love with nature.I feel like I am in paradise. Actually, it  relaxes the body and mind for example, when we go to the massage center to massage our body. At that time the workers play the music of natural sounds like birds, flute, river, rain and so on because such music heals our body. Sound therapy experts believe that listening to calming noises or music helps to relax the body and it is an important tool in the healing process. 

But when I moved to the United States I realized that the city life is busy and rushed.  I want to relate to Damon Krukowski “ the way of hearing” that digital tools help us to connect with our feelings. Wearing earphones distracts people for certain time to relax and provide space yet, many people in the New York City rely on their cell phones for various reasons one of the reasons   is  music. Therefore, I do the same things to be comfortable, to make space in the crowd, and attach to the sounds. I use cell phones and earphones .

Blog Post #5 Sonic Example

After listening to episode 5, “sound in the ways of hearing” by Damon Krukowshi, we often use sound to pass the time in our daily lives. Furthermore, it has the ability to change the way we feel. Anywhere we go we are always hearing the sound. In many ways sound affects our mood. For example: when you are taking a stroll around the park, you may hear many different types of sounds. This includes: birds chirping, the tree rustling, the wind blowing, etc. This leads to a very soothing ambience. This also applies to the type of music you hear in your day to day activities. The type of music that I listen to would be a relaxing beat by a chill cow the way the instrument is being played has this calming rhythm that makes the atmosphere in whatever room you are in feel more relaxing to the point that it makes you fall asleep. .

Blog Post #4

As I was watching episode 2 of Ways of Hearing, I felt completely the opposite way than Mr. Moss did about how people are using screens on their phones to put themselves in their own personal bubbles to isolate themselves from the public noise.  As a native New Yorker, who’s lived here for all my 47 years, I have grown to be easily annoyed and sometimes even outraged by the lack of courtesy here in the city, of which some is manifested in the loud noises we hear.  Specifically I am referring to how loud people talk, whether it’s among each other or on the phone, of which the video phone call is the most loud.  People act like they are in their own living rooms with no awareness of how they are affecting others, resulting in a lack of courtesy and respect.  I am so happy about having earbuds to put myself in a bubble so that I am able to drown out their disturbingly annoying voices.

With that being said, when I was presented with this assignment the number of commercials for noise cancelling headphones immediately came to mind and after watching a few, this one in particular illustrates the feeling I had when I was listening to Mr. Moss talk about how people are drowning out the outside world with their devices.  The commercial, which is posted below, is for Airpods Pro, Apples noise cancelling earbuds.  The commercial shows how this busy city, whatever that may be, sounds to the young lady with or without the earbuds.  It also shows the effect it has on her psyche  and mood as she goes from no earbuds, to just music in the buds and then music with the noise cancelling effect on.   With no earbuds and only hearing the loud city she seems very annoyed and disappointed.  With just the music she seems a little happier and things are flowing better.  With the music and the noise cancelling on she starts dancing in a dream like video where she seems very happy.  Now, when I put on my earbuds and play music, or watch something, I don’t start dancing like I’m in a psychedelic video, but I feel much happier and so much less annoyed, just as the commercial is trying to illustrate.

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Sonic example

I was born and raised in Medellin, Colombia. I lived in a house, closer to the park I would hear the bells of the church all the time and on the weekend there was noisy music from the bars and restaurants until midnight. I’ve always been a person difficult to disturb while sleeping, I don’t easily wake up because of noises. I used to take the bus and the metro sometimes, when you get on the bus usually there was a peddler rapping or selling candies so they can get some money, they tend to use the same speech all the time. Sometimes I would go to the center of the city with my mom, immediately you are at the station you could hear people on the street selling things shouting out loud, you could hear crazy people talking nonsense and sellers trying to make you buy something from their store, also you could hear the honks of buses and cars because there was always too much traffic. I often compare the center of my city with the Roosevelt Ave. In my city I liked to go to little concerts, often there were just local bands, and they had like a stand where they sell things like shirts or their albums, but sometimes they brought bands from other countries, one time they brought Papa Roach and the incredible part is that it was free. Definitely it’s not the same listening to a band through a digital device than listening to a band in real life, you feel a great joy while you are singing along with one of your favorite artists, is a moment you will remembrance all your life.

Blog Post #5

 according to episodes“ways of hearing” states that the digital tools change our perception and the way we think such as time, love, money. have you ever spent one hour listening to one song?  In my childhood memory, I had heard my grandmother listen to this singer and she told me some of her memorable stories about her favorite female singer. Om Kalthoum was singing once a month so my grandmother and people in the village waited for om Kalthoum concert on the radio, she used to sing in first Thursday in every month at 9 o’clock the whole villagers sat on one place to hear her new song and every song took proximately one hour after television release my grandmother sat in her couch for watching Om Kalthom, I used to get mad, I told her how did you spend one hour to listen to one song, I can listen to ten songs instead of one. My grandmother told me technology influenced your life and impact your way of thinking. That is exactly happening as the ways of hearing episodes present it. Om Kalthum sang one hour without stopping, now singer sing around 4 minutes, that about time. The other difference is love, in episode According to Krukowski, states the main difference between a microphone and a cellphone is the music quality microphone makes sound clear but the cell phone makes sound quality worse and more aggressive. Her sound was clear and people felt close to her song words and her feeling, as frank Sentra said in one of his interviews the way of using the microphone and the distance from his microphone change the tones and feeling made people felt close to him without knowing him as a person, in contrast, the musician now using technology tools to improve their voice and that made people donot feel the song. The problem with a cellphone is to transfer words without feeling and sound of music. Om Kalthoum’s song was on the radio and for free, it was available for people to hear, however, if you would see her on the stage you would have had to buy her concert tickets. Moreover, my grandmother said to me if you fall in love, you will listen to her song and feel how she described what you feel and that happened. 


blog #5

Often there are always headphones around. Initially, the earphone was large and heavy in weight and was limited to military use, but now it has become small and inexpensive, and there is also a wireless type. In 1877 Edison invented the phonograph, and the headphones were very primitive, but they were widely accepted. Then, in 1910, Nathaniel invented the first form of modern headphones, so some things were large and connected to each other. Until we arrived in 1979 and Sony invented the Walkman device with relatively small speakers, this was the starting point for mobile music. In the year 2001, Apple invented portable and latent headphones. And after that big headphones returned in 2008 through Beats. In 2016, it was the great invention presented by Apple, which is the wireless headphones that work via Bluetooth. Now that the headphones have become an important part of any phone, companies compete with each other to produce headphones of new design and high quality.

Blog Post #5


Nowadays, many people feel anxious and uncomfortable because they have numerous of stress from their work, study and family.Some of them might even can not have a good sleep at night.However, listening to the sounds of rain and thunder can really comfort them and relief their anxiety.All of us are very familiar to these sounds and I believe I don’t need to describe them to you in detailed. I suppose the reason why we will feel relax when listening to the sounds of rain and thunder is because they are sounds of nature.Trying to image this scene, you are walking in a park with grasses and flowers on both of your sides.Meanwhile,there’s breeze blowing around you, rains are slightly dropping on the ground and thundering occasionally.Of course, this is my own imagination.However, everyone will have a picture in his mind when listening these natural sounds.Whatever the picture is, it must be picture which make you relax and comfortable.

Blog Post #5

[4k, 60 fps] A Trip Through New York City in 1911

Upscaled with neural networks 1911 New York footage taken by the Swedish company Svenska Biografteatern on a trip to America: You can reach me here: 💌 ✔ FPS boosted to 60 frames per second (DAIN); ✔ Image resolution boosted up to 4k (ESRGAN, custom weight); ✔ Resorted video sharpness (AE and other plugins); ✔ Colorized – I’am still unsure about this, but regarding to high request from the subscribers decided to test DeOldify NN on this video.

Our present and future is the time of digital technology. However, with the help of these technologies, we have the opportunity to see the past. For example, the presented video demonstrates an example of how analog video, having survived a century, comes to life in digital format. Initially, this 1911 New York video was filmed by the Swedish company Svenska Biografteatern and was shot three days before the outbreak of World War I. The video shows the routine life of New York which has not changed even a century later. This old video has been digitally processed; video frequency was slowed down and city sounds added. These sounds influence the perception of the viewer helping to see and feel exactly that day. In this retrospective video, the sounds are guidelines, catch attention, and orient the viewer in space. Therefore, the transformation of historical analog films using digital instruments helps to see things familiar to the eye from a different angle.