Discussion question #6

1.According to Krukowski, what are the main differences between a microphone and a cellphone and why is this difference important?

Krukowski says that the sound in cell phones is different because their microphones pick up the sound but the phone does not transmit the same sound as it reduces unnecessary sounds such as external noise or breathing, that is why he says that our voice has lost feeling through the cell phone. I change in a microphone all the details of our voice are captured allowing us to give some kind of feeling to what we are saying, an example when singing artists approach or move away from the microphone to create depth to what they are singing and this creates in the I publish confidence with what they are listening to.

2. What do Krukowski and Gary Tomlinson, the professor he interviews, assert about the “musical” qualities of the voice and how are these changed by digital transmission?

He affirms that when digitally transmitted our voice loses non-verbal qualities and the musical quality of our voice changes, in the same way the feelings that are transmitted in the voice are not encoded and the feelings of the message are lost.

3. What is the significance of Krukowski’s comments on the voice to ideas about community and interpersonal connection? 

Thanks to digital tools, it is possible to communicate over great distances, allowing people and communities to unite, although our voice is not transmitted with the emotions that are said, it is possible to create one between communities through the voice that can travel great distances.

4. Krukowski begins by discussing the issue of music file sharing. What is your opinion of this issue? Should music be freely available or should one have to pay?

I think that music should not be free unless the author wants it, because the work that is needed to produce a recording must be recognized, also music transmits emotions and creates feelings being great works of art by the artist must have a price just to hear it.

5. How does this episode represent the relationships between music, community, and culture? 

It shows the relationship that exists between each one of them and the advantages that technology has, but it also shows us how the emotions of our voice are not transmitted by digital coding, despite this, it has allowed us to unite communities and strengthen the culture that each one It represents

  1. Does charging money for music impede the formation of communities around this music or does it help support the circulation of music? 

Each cultural community has a type of music that characterizes it, the formation of new communities will not be affected by having to pay something for the music, because if the music allows the formation of communities, the community will work so that the music is within reach from them.