Blog #1

In the video TED-Ed, “How art can help you analyze,” in Smart history, December 20, 2015, accessed June 22, 2020,, it tells us how we can use the ability to analyze to see and to understand more than what the eye allows us to perceive. It is a normal tendency for people to think that a picture is worth a thousand words, when describing images and/or works of art. This is because, when we first see a picture/artwork, we first notice the image as a whole. However, if we pay attention to the surroundings in detail, we can find new details or pieces of information. With that, a question is posed, and we start to ask ourselves why the artist painted the painting in this way and what they are trying to explain to us. For example, the police officers go to a crime scene, they are analyzing/investigating it. We can consider the crime scene as a sort of “art”. I state this because they are looking for clues and details to find information about the culprit and/or victim. With this information, they can interpret what is going on or what happened. With this being said, sometimes explaining the art doesn’t do it any justice. Sometimes people need to look at it themselves and analyze the whole and then break the art piece down to understand it better. We can use this idea in our personal life since we always look and worry about the bigger picture first with our daily life activity instead of analyzing the small parts first to get to the ending of a project.

1 thought on “Blog #1

  1. Paul Fess

    Christopher, you raise an important key concept in discussing the power of interpretation, which applies to all manner of our interactions with the world in addition to when we encounter works of art.

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