1. One of the main premises in this episode is Berger’s distinction between nakedness and the nude female form as it is traditionally represented in Western art. What are the differences between these things and why are these differences significant? Do they apply to images you have encountered in your experience?

Berger thinks nudity is immoral, and the audience’s eyes make them feel shame and become more ordinary. Some people think nudity is an art because the differences in the art are different in everyone’s mind. It is important to keep your own point of view and respect the opinions of others.

2. According to Berger, how have Western works of art depicted and defined different roles for men and women? According to Berger, what is the significance of this? Do these depictions influence the ways we think of the differences between men’s and women’s roles in society today?

From the works of art, we can see that most of the descriptions from women come from men because at that time men’s status was higher than women’s. in the painting, women don’t wear clothes, but men wear clothes, which shows that women’s status was lower at that time. In today’s society, gender discrimination still exists, but it has been greatly improved. Especially in developed countries, Women are in the same position as men.

3. How does Berger describe the significance of the mirror in paintings depicting women? What does this object say about the ways beauty is defined in these paintings? What does Berger say about the depiction of the female gaze in the paintings he discusses? What kinds of more contemporary examples does he relate this to, and what significance does he draw from these connections between older European art and depictions of women today?

The mirror is a symbol of women’s vanity. Women regard themselves as scenery, while men look at the scenery. It also expresses men’s hypocrisy. And the description of women can make men have the pleasure of peeping and personal interest. Beautiful women are often sold and used as gifts. This is the difference between gender evidence.

3 thoughts on “

  1. Lily Ingram

    I respectfully disagree that Berger thinks nudity is immoral. I believe he thinks nudity is when a person is naked and knows that they are being looked at. I don’t think this is an “immoral” or “unacceptable” behavior, and don’t think Berger would agree with that either.

    I love your sentence, “Women regard themselves as scenery, while men look at the scenery” in reference to the symbolism of the mirror. It is a great description of a woman’s role in early Western Europe, and of the art from that time.

  2. Rahid Uddin

    I agree with Lily regarding the stance of Berger on nudity, he hasn’t made a comment or demonstrated anything towards saying it’s immoral just rather illustrated his view on nude and nakedness.

    For the second question I disagree and still believe there are still developed countries over the world that still haven’t fully given a fair amount of rights or represented well like India, Saudi Arabia, UAE and etc

  3. Xiao Han

    I feel the idea that women are like a landscape has always existed in our society, while sometimes women wish they could be like a beautiful landscape or a painting, which may attract other, so everything has two sides. Sometimes reasonable but at the same time contradictory.

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