Blog Post #1 How Art Can Help You Analyze

After carefully watching the all three videos list from the course schedule I decided to 1elaborate about the TED-Ed video “How art can help you analyze” by Amy Herman which the narrator regarding skills that can be gained from analyzing art that could be used in the real world which can be useful and help save lives. While I orginally did disagree with this claim I am having second thoughts on this. Moving onward based from the textbook English Composition, the “Intellectual Standards for Quality” factors nine categories for evaluating the intellectual quality of the a work. The nine standards to keep in mind are clarity, precision, accuracy, depth, breadth, logic, significance, relevance, and fairness.

Based on this standard out of nine elements I have chosen three of these categories that compliment the standards of intellectual quality presented in the video that meet the standards set. In the video I found that the Intellectual Standards used were logic, breadth and relevance.

Foremost when it comes to logic, The vivid detailed animations with the simple yet concise narration by Amy Herman demonstrates the method of analyzing the art work of “Time Transfixed” by Rene Magritte in 1938 with the situations eerily to a crime scene or similar examining a patient X-Rays where this is a repeating occurrence. On top all done in a precise and calm method that transitions on to each point and detail without any senseless way in a well benevolent and structured manner .

Secondly in terms of breadth, Amy Herman illustrated several viewpoints on this topic. She had exhibited at the very least three different perspectives that could benefit from art. The nurses and doctors would be able examine an x-ray more accurately or diagnose a patient illness or law enforcement agents identifying a suspect or interrogating a suspect. All of these are just a couple of real life scenarios in our daily lives which she elaborates on how art could help improve across many fields gain new analytical skills solve complex real world situations from a different perspective.

Finally but not the least was the relevance to the original thesis. The video was definitely relevant in helping further her point. She gave a range of detail and information that was very convincing and accurate portraying how art is a tool helping you get better at your analytical skills which helps in the real world that’s demonstrating how it’s relevant. It supports her thesis that skills can definitely be gained or used as a way to further assist anyone who may need such skills in their daily lives. Thus accomplishing what she intended to do from the start.

P.S. I hope this was great as it took me all night just to figure this out which almost had me pulling my hair. 😫

1 thought on “Blog Post #1 How Art Can Help You Analyze

  1. Paul Fess

    Rahid, good thoughts here. One thing I want you to keep in mind is that you certainly don’t have to agree with things you come across in the class. In fact, you could say in this post that you see some ways the video satisfies these standards and some ways it does not if that’s what you think. In general, I like the ways you have maintained a focus on addressing how these standards shape and inform the overall argument of the video.

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