Blog 2

Nowadays, in many situations we use camera to change images in order to give information to our viewers. That mean we can modify art through the camera and talk with the image for our own purpose. In the video “Abraham Lincoln for kids/biography” by Homeschool Pop! modifying Abraham Lincoln’s picture, kids can learn the moral life and that all people are valuable.

The presenter in the video use Abraham Lincoln’s bear in the picture to make children recognize him by comparing his bear to the cat’s fur. In addition, the presenter uses Abraham Lincoln’s images to show how he serves the union of America and abolish slavery because his parents taught him what was wrong and right including slavery. The presenter wants kids know that slavery was a terrible system where slaves were treated like property and he also use images to show that Abraham Lincoln was killed for what he believes was right. I see that the presenter arranges different images to transmit his information to the kids. When we make a connection between this video to the previous video by Berger, we realize that by using camera we can change the meaning of the art and talk to the pictures. Also, when we use camera and play different songs for the same art, viewers can perceive different information. We know that the original, authentic picture of Abraham Lincoln is somewhere at a particular place. It cannot be in different places in the same time, as Berger said it is still and silence. For that reason, many people prefer to travel and pay a lot of money to see the original art because they believe that nothing can be like the original one. That mean we use camera to duplicate the original one and change or rearrange pictures for our own purpose.

Abraham Lincoln


1 thought on “Blog 2

  1. Paul Fess

    Saikou, your post is interesting; I wish your post of the image had worked. I think childrens programing is an intriguing direction to take these ideas.

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